The market is made of hundreds of creatives demonstrating a unique voice through their films. We are not editing robots following the same format for every filmmaker. We're not here to drive interest through false promises("just upload your stuff and presto!"). Generic editing companies don't serve your wedding brand or your couples. Freelancers on Facebook can't be relied on season over season. You need a wedding film specialist, a true partner for your post-production needs.
A fully remote team of Wedding Film editors and filmmakers. When we’re not in the editing cave, we're on podcasts, at retreats and expos.
Our Project Managers learn your approach and advocate for the quality of your edits before they ever hit your desk for review. Your editor is comfortable emulating your style and is ready year over year to elevate your work.
What's up? I'm Michael. Founder of Wedditor. I believe you'll have a fuller life and a more successful filmmaking business by letting us edit your films. I know firsthand - I was filming videos worldwide for Silicon Valley startups in the early days of internet video marketing.
Severe back-pain, eye strain, neglected friends, an ignored girlfriend, and a PO'd cat was time to outsource. 30 hours a week editing became 20 hours invested in my business, 10 spent with family and friends.
Working with edtiors remotely for over 15 years, I've learned what works and what doesn't. I know there's more that goes into the right relationship than just the editing. Our team is dedicated, passionate and skilled wedding film editors. They're hard to find and that's what makes us different. We've found the best.
Hey! I'm Sara and no one has watched more wedding films than me. After graduating film school, I launched into the wedding film industry as a second op in the D.C. area. I bravely lied about my wedding editing experience to get my first paid editing projects. 6 years of freelance fatigue later, I came across Wedditor. I could edit for 1 client? And get real feedback? And never hunt for new clients(and paychecks) again?
I applied and helped launch partnerships for a number of our flagship clients.My knowledge of editing, storytelling and every conceivable Adobe Premiere issue allows me to effectively lead our PM team as we become a part of your brand. It's my pleasure to serve our team and take your edits to the next level.